国内最早进入VR领域的领先公司,核心团队来自于久游、久娱, 拥有十多年的游戏行业经验与广泛资源,致力于将虚拟现实、增强现实、全体感人机互动等技术 与FAMIKU科娱馆的形式相结合引入商业地产。公司是Sony PSVR 全球合格开发者首批亚洲地区26家之一 。目前拥有《钢铁骑兵》、《音姬》、《叶问之擂台争霸》等三十余 款全体感VR游戏,综合数量与质量位列全国第一,荣获“2016年度中国VR游戏产业大奖”之“优秀作品奖”,以及中国游戏行 业知名“金手指奖”、VRCORE虚拟现实开发者大赛最佳体验奖、戴尔DELL VR开发者大赛优秀奖、中欧创业大赛 最佳人气奖等多项大奖。公司还储备有《Dead Trigger》、《叶问3》、SNH48等优秀IP资源。

    The domestic leading company entering into the VR arena from the earliest period. The core team originate from Nineyou and Jiuyu, with more than 10 years of experience in the gaming industry and widespread resources, fully dedicated to the introduction of technologies such as VR, augmented reality(AR), whole body sense human-machine interaction with FAMIKU Science and entertainment museum into the commercial real estate. The company is one the first batch of 26 companies in Asia to be accredited as the SonyPSVR global qualified developers. At present the company owns over 30 body sense VR games like Steel Cavalry, Voice Kee, Yewen’s battle for championship. The comprehensive quantity and quality top the whole Chinese gaming industry. The winner of the Excellent Game Award in the China VR gaming industry grand prize in 2016 and the famous Golden Finger Award in the Chinese gaming industry, the Best Experience Award in the VRCORE developer championship, the Excellent Award in the DELL VR developer championship, the Most Popular Award in the Sino-European business starter competition. The company also keeps the great IP resources like Dead Trigger, Yewen 3 and SNH48.