定位顶级品质、全球发行的VR游戏开发者。核心团队曾是美国顶级游戏公司Glu Mobile的高管,拥有10余年的一线研发经验,熟悉国内外市场和用户。公司已得到了Glu Mobile的授权,将其全球知名的系列游戏“永恒战士”IP开发成VR游戏,该系列产品自2011起在全球范围内已积累了数千万的硬核游戏粉丝。


  Positioned as the VR game developer with the top quality and global releasing. The core team are all senior managers from America’s game developer elite company Glu Mobile with more than 10 years of front line development experience. Being familiar with both the domestic and international markets and users. The company has already acquired the authorization from Glu Mobile to develop its globally renowned game series “Eternal Warrior” IP into a VR game. This game series has accumulated tens of millions of hardcore gamers from all over the world since 2011.