动漫创意公司,与腾讯达成《英雄联盟》、《王者荣耀-五虎将》、《匠匠匠》动画番剧、动画宣传片、儿童动画的承制合作; 与B站、优酷达成《一叶满庭芳》、《弓》等原创番剧动画联合开发的合作。自有原创作品《黑白无双》已成为知名网络动画IP,点击量数亿。公司先后获腾讯阅文集团4750万A轮投资,B站5亿估值B轮投资。


China’s famous anime creation company, the original work Black and White Unparalleled has already grown to a famous online anime IP with more than 100 million clicks. The season 2 is now a hot spot at Bilibili. This anime has successively gained the A round investment from Tencent ChinaLiterature group and the B round investment from Bilibili.