
  优格资本创始人。曾长期在原国家新闻出版总署从事产业管理工作,具有12年文化媒体、教育内容产业和15年互联网产业管理经验,是中国最早的互联网信息服务业管理者,长期兼任中国互联网协会副理事长,被誉为中国游戏产业的奠基者和掌门人,还曾代表中国政府参加WTO谈判。1984-2011年,曾先后主导了港台言情小说、武侠小说、日本漫画、网络游戏、网络文学等热点 IP 的引进和产业化发展。
  2012年寇晓伟辞去正司长级职务,创立优格资本,提出:“做资本+资源的赋能投资者”,并联合中国知名互联网上市公司:小米科技、新浪微博、欢聚时代、Bilibili、盛大集团、完美世界、三七互娱、游族网络、中文在线、盛大游戏、恺英网络、掌趣科技、乐逗游戏、人人网、蓝港互动、星辉娱乐、光一科技、博雅互动、龙图游戏等出资成立优格创投基金(一二期),专注互联网和大文娱、大教育等领域的投资。2018年4月,《投中榜》授予寇晓伟“2017年度中国最佳早期投资人 TOP30”,优格资本“2017年度中国文化体育及娱乐传媒产业最佳新锐投资机构 TOP3”和“2017年度中国最佳早期创业投资机构 TOP50”;2018年10月荣获《哈佛商业评论》“拉姆·查兰管理实践大奖”——“优秀案例奖”、“创新创业实践奖”。

Kou Xiaowei

  The founder of Youget Capital was engaged in the industrial management work of the former GAPP for a very long time. With 12 years of cultural media and education content industry and 15 years of internet industry management experience, he is the earliest administrator of China’s internet information service industry. As a long-term vice president of the Internet Society of China, he was praised as a founder and a head of Chinese game industry, and also participated in WTO negotiation on behalf of Chinese government. From 1984 to 2011, he had successively guided the introduction and industrial development of the popular IPs, such as romantic fictions and Kung fu novels in Hong Kong and Taiwan, Japanese manga, online game and online literature.
  In 2012, Kou Xiaowei resigned his chief director-level title and established Youget Capital, proposing that: “being an investor of capital + resources empowerment”, and unified with Chinese well-known listed companies of internet as follows: Xiaomi Technology, Sina Microblog, YY, Bilibili, Shanda Group, Perfect World, 37.com, YOOZOO, Chineseall, Shanda Game, Kingnet, Ourpalm, iDreamSky, renren.com, Linekong, Rastar, EleFirst Science, Boyaa, Longtu Game etc. to invest and establish Youget Capital Venture Capital Fund (Phases I and II), focusing on  investment in internet and comprehensive cultures and entertainment and comprehensive education and other fields. In August 2018, Chinaventure List granted Kou Xiaowei  as “TOP30 of Chinese best investors in the early period in 2017”, Youget Capital “TOP3 of cutting-edge investment organizations in the Chinese culture and sports and entertainment and media industry in 2017” and “TOP50 of Chinese best VC organizations in 2017”. In August 2018, he obtained “Ram Charan Management Practice Award” - “Excellent Case Award”, “Innovative and Innovation and Entrepreneurship Practice Award” of Harvard Business Review.
